Full Publications List
Selected articles (peer reviewed)
M. Rosenberg, D. Gutnick and E. Rosenberg. Adherence of bacteria to hydrocarbons: a simple method for measuring cell-surface hydrophobicity. FEMS Microbiology Letters 9: 29-33, 1980.
M. Rosenberg, A. Perry, E.A. Bayer, D.L. Gutnick, E. Rosenberg and I. Ofek. Adherence of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus RAG-1 to human epithelial cells and to hexadecane. Infection and Immunity 33: 29-33, 1981.
M. Rosenberg and E. Rosenberg. Role of adherence in growth of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus on hexadecane. Journal of Bacteriology 148: 51-57, 1981.
M. Rosenberg. Bacterial adherence to polystyrene: a replica method of screening for bacterial hydrophobicity. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 42: 375-377, 1981.
E. Weiss, M. Rosenberg, H. Judes and E. Rosenberg. Cell surface hydrophobicity of adherent oral bacteria. Current Microbiology 7: 125-128, 1982
M. Rosenberg, E.A. Bayer, J. Delarea and E. Rosenberg. Role of thin fimbriae in adherence and growth of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus on hexadecane. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 44: 929-937, 1982.
E. Rosenberg, A. Gottlieb and M. Rosenberg. Inhibition of bacterial adherence to epithelial cells and hydrocarbons by emulsan. Infection and Immunity 39: 1024-1028, 1983.
M. Rosenberg, E. Rosenberg, H. Judes and E. Weiss. Bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons and to surfaces in the oral cavity. FEMS Microbiology Letters 20: 1-5, 1983.
M. Rosenberg, H. Judes and E. Weiss. Desorption of adherent bacteria from a solid hydrophobic surface by oil. Journal of Microbiological Methods 1: 239-244, 1983.
M. Rosenberg, H. Judes and E. Weiss. Cell surface hydrophobicity of dental plaque microorganisms in situ. Infection and Immunity 42: 831-834, 1983.
M. Rosenberg. Bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons: a useful technique for studying cell surface hydrophobicity. FEMS Microbiology Letters 22:289-295, 1984.
E. Weiss, H. Judes and M. Rosenberg. Adherence of a non-oral hydrophobic bacterium to the human tooth surface. Dental Medicine 3:11-14, 1985.
M. Rosenberg and E. Rosenberg. Bacterial adherence at the hydrocarbon-water interface. Oil and Petrochemical Pollution 2:155-162, 1985.
D. Lichtenberg, M. Rosenberg, N. Sharfman and I. Ofek. A kinetic approach to bacterial adherence to hydrocarbon. Journal of Microbiological Methods 4:141-146, 1985.
M. Rosenberg and S. Kjelleberg. Hydrophobic interactions: Role in microbial adhesion (review). Advances in Microbial Ecology 9:353-393, 1986
D. Sharon, R. Bar-Ness and M. Rosenberg. Measurement of the kinetics of bacterial adherence to hexadecane in polystyrene curettes. FEMS Microbiology Letters 36:115-118, 1986.
M. Rosenberg, E. Weiss and I. Eli. A novel replica technique for localization of caries-associated bacteria on tooth surfaces: development and initial experience. Caries Research 22: 42-44, 1988.
S. Rumelt, Z. Metzger, N. Kariv and M. Rosenberg. Clearance of Serratia marcescens from blood in mice: role of hydrophobic versus mannose-sensitive interactions. Infection and Immunity 56: 1167-1170, 1988.
R. Bar-Ness, N. Avrahamy, T. Matsuyama and M. Rosenberg. Increased cell surface hydrophobicity of a Serratia marcescens NS 38 mutant lacking wetting activity. Journal of Bacteriology 170: 4361-4364, 1988.
I. Eli, H. Judes and M. Rosenberg. Saliva-mediated inhibition and promotion of bacterial adhesion to polystyrene. Biofouling 1: 203-211, 1989.
M. Rosenberg, M. Barki and S. Portnoy. A simple method for estimating oral microbial levels. Journal of Microbiological Methods 9: 253-256, 1989.
M. Rosenberg, H. Tal, E. Weiss and S. Guendelman. Adhesion of non-coccal dental plaque microorganisms to buccal epithelial cells: inhibition by saliva and amphipathic agents. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2: 197-202, 1989.
H. Cardash and M. Rosenberg. An innovative method of monitoring denture hygiene. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 63: 661-664, 1990.
H. Tal and M. Rosenberg. Estimation of dental plaque levels and gingival inflammation using a simple oral rinse technique. Journal of Periodontology 61: 339-342, 1990.
S. Goldberg, Y. Konis, and M. Rosenberg. Effect of cetylpyridinium chloride on microbial adhesion to hexadecane and polystyrene. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 56(6):1678-82, 1990.
X. Zhang, M. Rosenberg and R.J. Doyle. Inhibition of the cooperation adhesion of Streptococcus sanguis to hydroxyapatite. FEMS Microbiology Letters 71: 315-318, 1990.
S. Goldberg, R.J. Doyle and M. Rosenberg. Mechanism of enhancement of microbial cell hydrophobicity by cationic polymers. Journal of Bacteriology 172: 5650-5654, 1990.
M. Rosenberg, I.A. Buivids and R.P. Ellen. Adhesion of Actinomyces viscosus to Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis-coated hexadecane droplets. Journal of Bacteriology 173: 2581-2589, 1991.
M. Rosenberg, I. Septon, I. Eli, R. Bar-Ness, I. Gelernter, S. Brenner and J. Gabbay. Halitosis measurement by an industrial sulphide monitor. Journal of Periodontology 62: 487-489, 1991.
M. Rosenberg, K.V. Kulkarni, A. Bosy and C.A.G. McCulloch. Reproducibility and sensitivity of oral malodor measurements with a portable sulphide monitor. Journal of Dental Research 70: 1436-1440, 1991.
M. Rosenberg, I. Gelernter, M. Barki and R. Bar-Ness. Daylong reduction of oral malodor by a two-phase oil:water mouthrinse, as compared to chlorhexidine and placebo rinses. Journal of Periodontology 63: 39-43, 1992.
M. Rosenberg and C.A.G McCulloch. Measurement of oral malodor: current methods and future prospects. Journal of Periodontology 63: 776-782, 1992.
M. Barki, Y. Koltin, M. Yanko, A. Tamarkin and M. Rosenberg. Isolation and characterization of a Candida albicans DNA sequence conferring adhesion and aggregation on Saccharmoyces cerevisiae. Journal of Bacteriology 175: 5683-5689, 1993.
A. Bosy, G.V. Kulkarni, M. Rosenberg and C.A.G. McCulloch. Relationship of oral malodour to periodontitis: evidence of independence in discrete subpopulations. Journal of Periodontology 65: 37-46, 1994.
A. Kozlovsky, D. Gordon, I. Gelernter, W.J. Loesche and M. Rosenberg. Correlation between the BANA test and oral malodor parameters. Journal of Dental Research 73: 1036-1042, 1994.
S. Goldberg, A. Kozlovsky, D. Gordon, I. Gelernter, A. Sintov and M. Rosenberg. Cadaverine as a putative component of oral malodor. Journal of Dental Research 73: 1168-1172, 1994.
M. Barki, Y. Koltin, M. van Wetter and M. Rosenberg. A Candida albicans surface antigen mediating adhesion and autoaggregation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Infection and Immunity 62: 4107-4111, 1994.
R.P. Ellen, H. Veisman, I.A. Buivids and M. Rosenberg. Kinetics of lactose reversible coadhesion of Actinomyces naeslundii WVU 398A and Streptococcus oralis 34 on the surface of hexadecane droplets. Oral Microbiology and Immunology 9: 364-371, 1994.
M. Rosenberg, A. Kozlovsky, I. Gelernter, O. Cherniak, J. Gabbay, R. Baht and I. Eli. Self-estimation of oral malodor. Journal of Dental Research 74:1577-1582, 1995.
I. Eli, R. Baht, A. Kozlovsky and M. Rosenberg. The complaint of oral malodor - possible psychopathologic aspects. Psychosomatic Medicine 58: 156-159, 1996.
M. Rosenberg. Clinical assessment of bad breath: current concepts. Journal of the American Dental Association 127: 475-482, 1996.
A. Kozlovsky, S. Goldberg, I. Natour, A. Rogatky-Gat, I. Gelernter and M. Rosenberg. Efficacy of a 2-phase oil: water mouthrinse in controlling oral malodor, gingivitis and plaque. Journal of Periodontology 67: 577-582, 1996.
S. Goldberg, H. Cardash, H. Browning III, H. Sahly and M. Rosenberg. Isolation of Enterobacteriaceae from the mouth and potential association with malodor. Journal of Dental Research 76: 1770-1775, 1997.
R. Bar-Ness Greenstein, S. Goldberg, S. Marku-Cohen, N. Sterer and M. Rosenberg. Oral malodor reduction by oxidizing lozenges. Journal of Periodontology 68: 1176-1181, 1997.
I. Hershkovitz, J. Kelly, B. Latimer, B.M. Rothschild, S. Simpson, J. Polak and M. Rosenberg. Oral bacteria in Miocene Sivapithecus. Journal of Human Evolution 33: 507-512, 1997.
E. Amir, R. Shimonov and M. Rosenberg. Halitosis in children. Journal of Pediatrics 134: 338-343, 1999.
I. Eli, H. Koriat, R. Baht and M. Rosenberg. Self-perception of breath odor: role of body image and psychopathologic traits. Perceptual and Motor Skills 91: 1193-1201, 2000.
I. Eli, R. Baht, H. Koriat and M. Rosenberg. Self-perception of breath odor. Journal of the American Dental Association 132: 621-626, 2001.
N. Sterer, R Bar-Ness Greenstein and M. Rosenberg. ß-Galactosidase activity in saliva is associated with oral malodor. Journal of Dental Research 81: 182-185, 2002
M. Rosenberg, G. Robinson and E. Amir. Beating bad breath. Pediatric Medicine 19: 139-154, 2002.
M. Rosenberg. The science of bad breath. Scientific American 286: 72-79, 2002.
N. Sterer and M. Rosenberg. Effect of deglycosylation of salivary glycoproteins on oral malodour production. International Dental Journal 52: 229-232, 2002.
A. Wolff, D. Herskowitz and M. Rosenberg. A simple technique for determination of salivary gland hypofunction. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontics 94: 175-182, 2002.
A. Shifman, S. Orenbuch and M. Rosenberg. Bad breath in the bible. Israel Medical Association Journal 4: 843-845, 2002.
A. Leibovitz, G. Plotnikov, B. Habot, M. Rosenberg, and R. Segal. Pathogenic colonization of oral flora in frail elderly patients fed by nasogastric tube or percutaneous enterogastric tube. Journal of Gerontology 58A: 52-55, 2003.
J. Greenman, J. Duffield, J.P. Spencer, M. Rosenberg, D. Corry, S. Saad, P. Lenton, G. Majerus, N. Nachnani and M. El-Maaytah. Study on the organoleptic intensity scale for measuring oral malodour. Journal of Dental Research 83:81-85, 2003.
A. Shuster, N. Osherov and M. Rosenberg. Alcohol-mediated haemolysis in yeast. Yeast 21:1335-1342, 2004.
E. Stamou, A. Kozlovsky and M. Rosenberg. Association between oral malodour and periodontal disease-related parameters in a population of 71 Israelis. Oral Disease 11 ( Suppl) 72-74, 2005.
L. Levin, M. Rosenberg. Bad breath among young Israeli soldiers. Oral Diseases 22(1):27-31, 85, 2005.
J. Greenman, M. El-Maaytah, J. Duffield. P. Spencer, M. Rosenberg, D. Corry, S. Saad, P. Lenton, G. Majerus, and N. Nachnani. Assessing the relationship between concentrations of malodour compounds and odor scores from judges. Journal of the American Dental Association 136:749-757, 2005.
M. Rosenberg. Bad breath and periodontal disease: how related are they? Journal of Clinical Periodontology 33: 29-30, 2006.
M. Rosenberg. Microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons: twenty-five years of doing MATH. FEMS Microbiology Letters 262:129-134, 2006.
N.Sterer and M. Rosenberg. Streptococcus salivarius promotes mucin putrefaction and malodour production by Porphyromonas gingivalis. Journal of Dental Research 85: 910-914, 2006.
M. Korem, Y. Gov, N. Shirron, A. Shuster and M. Rosenberg. Alcohol increases hemolysis by staphylococci. FEMS Microbiology Letters 269:153-159, 2007.
A. Shuster, N. Osherov, A. Frenkel and M. Rosenberg. Alcohol-conferred aemolysis in yeast is a consequence of increased respiratory burden. FEMS Yeast Research 7;879-886, 2007.
N. Shirron, M. Korem, A. Shuster, A. Leikin-Frankel, and M. Rosenberg. Effect of alcohol on bacterial hemolysis. Current Microbiology 4/57;318-25, 2008.
N. Sterer, A. Hendler, M. Perez Davidi and M. Rosenberg. A novel microscopic assay for oral malodour-related microorganisms. J Breath Res. 2:1-5, 2008.
M. Rosenberg, T. Knaan and D. Cohen. Association among Bad Breath, Body Mass Index, and Alcohol Intake. Journal of Dental Research 86: 997-1000. 2007.
N. Sterer A. Hendler M. Perez Davidi and M. Rosenberg. A novel microscopic assay for oral malodor-related microorganisms. Journal of Breath Research 2/026003, 2008.
M. Rosenberg, and A. Amann. Bad breath and exhaled breath analysis – common fields with common denominators. Journal of Breath Research 2/040201, 2008.
N. Sterer, M. Shaharabany and M. Rosenberg. β-galactosidase activity and VSC production in an experimental oral biofilm. Journal of Breath Research 3/016006, 2009.
M. Korem, Y. Gov, and M. Rosenberg. Global gene expression in Staphylococcus aureus following exposure to alcohol. Microbial Pathogenesis 48(2):74-84 2010.
Y. Gov N. Sterer and M. Rosenberg. In vitro effect of coffee on oral malodor-related parameters. Journal of Breath Research 4(2):026004, 2010.
A. Shuster, M. Korem, J. Jacob-Hirsch, N. Amariglio, G. Rechavi, and M. Rosenberg. Microbial alcohol‐conferred hemolysis is a late response to alcohol stress. FEMS Yeast Research 11(4):315-23, 2011.
R.J. Doyle and M. Rosenberg (eds.) Microbial Cell Surface Hydrophobicity. ASM Publications, Washington, D.C., 1990.
M. Rosenberg (ed.) Bad Breath: Research Perspectives. Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
D. van Steenberghe and M. Rosenberg (eds.) Bad Breath: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Leuven University Press, Belgium, 1996.
N. Sterer and M. Rosenberg (ed). Breath Odors – Origin, Diagnosis and Management. 1st edition, Springer publication, Germany 2011. 2nd edition, 2020.
Chapters in books
M. Rosenberg, E. Rosenberg and D. Gutnick. Bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons, pp. 541-542. In: Adsorption of Microorganisms to Surfaces, R.C.W. Berkeley, J.M. Lynch, J. Melling, P.R. Rutter and B. Vintcent (eds). Ellis Horwood, Chichester, England, 1980.
E. Weiss, M. Rosenberg, H. Judes and E. Rosenberg. Cell-surface hydrophobicity and adherence to surfaces with special reference to oral bacteria, pp. 152-155. In: Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery, J.E. Zajic, D.G. Cooper, T.R. Jack and N. Kosaric (eds). Penn Well, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1983.
E. Rosenberg, M. Rosenberg and D.L. Gutnick. Adherence of bacteria to hydrocarbons, pp. 20-28. In: E.C. Donaldson and J.B. Clark (eds), Proceedings of International Conference on Microbial Enhancement of Oil Recovery. U.S. Department of Energy, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 1983.
M. Rosenberg, E. Weiss, R. Bar-Ness, D. Feder and I. Eli. A novel microbial replica technique for localization of potential cariogenic growth on occlusal tooth surfaces, pp. 185-191. In: The Borderland between Caries and Periodontal Disease III, G. Cimasoni and T. Lehner (eds). Editions Medecine et Hygiene, Geneva, 1986.
Eli, I., N. Regimov and M. Rosenberg. Saliva-mediated inhibition of adhesion of hydrophobic oral and non-oral bacteria to polystyrene, pp. 371-376. In: The Borderland between Caries and Periodontal Disease III, G. Cimasoni and T. Lehner (eds). Editions Medecine et Hygiene, Geneva, 1986.
M. Rosenberg. Microbial films in the mouth: some ecologically-relevant observations, pp. 246-251. In: Microbial Mats: Ecological Physiology of Benthic Microbial Communities. In: Y. Cohen and E. Rosenberg (eds). ASM Publications, Washington, D.C., 1989.
M. Rosenberg and R.J. Doyle. Microbial cell surface hydrophobicity: history, measurement and significance, pp. 1-37. In: Microbial Cell Surface Hydrophobicity. ASM Publications, Washington, D.C., 1990.
R.J. Doyle, M. Rosenberg and D. Drake. Hydrophobicity of oral bacteria, pp. 387-419. In: Microbial Cell Surface Hydrophobicity. ASM Publications, Washington, D.C., 1990.
H.C. van der Mei, M. Rosenberg and H.J. Busscher. Assessment of microbial cell surface hydrophobicity, pp. 263-287. In: : , N. Mozes, P.S. Handley, H.J. Busscher, P.G. Rouxhet (eds). VCH Publishers, Inc., New York, 1991.
M. Rosenberg. Introduction, pp. 1-12. In: Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, M. Rosenberg (ed). Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
M. Rosenberg and E. Lieb. Experiences of an Israeli malodor clinic, pp. 137-148. In: Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, M. Rosenberg (ed). Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
S. Goldberg, A. Kozlovsky and M. Rosenberg. Association of diamines with oral malodor, pp.71-86. In: Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, M. Rosenberg (ed). Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
Eli, I., R. Baht and M. Rosenberg. Psychological factors in self-assessment of oral malodor, pp. 201-213. In: In: Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, M. Rosenberg (ed). Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
D. Markovich, S. Goldberg, I. Eli and M. Rosenberg. Assessment of oral malodor: are dentists different?, pp. 223-226. In: Bad Breath: Research Perspectives, M. Rosenberg (ed). Ramot Publishing, Tel Aviv University, 1995.
M. Rosenberg, R. Bar-ness Greenstein, M. Barki and S. Goldberg. Hydrophobic interactions as a basis for interfering with microbial adhesion, pp. 241-248. In: Toward Anti-Adhesion Therapy for Microbial Diseases, I. Kahane and I. Ofek (eds). Plenum Press, New York, 1996.
R.J. Doyle and M. Rosenberg. Measurement of microbial adhesion to hydrophobic substrata, pp. 542-550. In: Methods in Enzymology, volume 253: Adhesion of Microbial Pathogens, R.J. Doyle and I. Ofek (eds). Academic Press, San Diego, 1995.
S. Goldberg and M. Rosenberg. Production of oral malodor in an in vitro system, pp. 143-150. In: Bad Breath: A Multidisciplinary Approach, D. van Steenberghe and M. Rosenberg (eds). Leuven University Press, Leuven, Belgium, 1996.
O. Ilan, A. Kozlovsky, S. Goldberg, E.I. Weiss and M. Rosenberg. Two-phase mouthwash formulations for treatment of oral malodour, pp. 265-274. In: Bad Breath: A Multidisciplinary Approach, D. van Steenberghe and M. Rosenberg (eds). Leuven University Press, Leuven, Belgium, 1996.
M. Rosenberg. Mixing water, oil and microorganisms. Current Contents (citation classic) 16: 8, 1991.
M. Rosenberg. Halitosis - the need for further research and education. Journal of Dental Research 71: 424, 1992.
M. Rosenberg. First International Workshop on Oral Malodor. Journal of Dental Research 73: 586-589, 1994.
M. Rosenberg. Halitosis, CD-ROM Chapter, Harvard, 2000